ADMISSION NOTICE BHEL Shiksha Mandal invites Online Registration requests for admission to KG-I in Jawaharlal Nehru School [Primary Wing], Govindpura, BHEL, Bhopal [Phone 2503708 & 2503108] for the session 2020-21. It is a Co-Ed English medium school affiliated to CBSE and is a centre for Quality Education. Interested persons may register their wards for admission in KG-I as per schedule given below:- Dateof Registration - 04-11-2019 to 18-11-2019 Date & Time for Submission of documents - 05-11-2019 to 19-11-2019 (10.30 AM to 1.00 PM) (10th, 12th & 17th Nov'19 shall be holiday) Registration Fee (Rs.) - Rs.1100/- (One thousand one hundred only) For admission to KG-I, minimum age of child should be 3½ years and should not exceed 4½ years as on 31-3-2020 i.e. the birth of child should neither be before 01-10-2015, nor after 01-10-2016. The copy of Online Receipt and all necessary documents supporting the information furnished in the Registration form should be submitted to the Principal, Jawaharlal Nehru School (Primary Wing), Govindpura, BHEL, Bhopal on or before the due date as mentioned above during all working days. The BHEL Shiksha Mandal reserves the right to cancel the Registration of the wards at any stage incase the information furnished in the Registration form is found fake /false.